Perkin Elmer 337 Optics

started July 2013

The cloudy appearance of the original plane mirror M1 near the IR source can be seen below (left mirror in first image) compared to a better mirror on the right. I decided to replace it with a 1/8 inch thick front surface mirror (Myriad Al 1st surface 2.5 inch square mirror cut to 2.25 x 2.5 inches) with a 1/4 inch thick plywood backing (left mirror in second image). The original mirror is on the right in the second image. 1/8 inch thick glass is easier to cut using a glass cutter compared to thicker pieces. I used a vise clamp to hold the mirror while breaking off a 1/4 inch section to make a 2.25 x 2.5 inch mirror which would fit into the clamps (second image) for mounting on the panel in front of the IR source (third image). See also page 2 inside view